High Performance Center CAR Sierra Nevada is located nearby the ski resort of Sierra Nevada, the most southern ski resort of Europe and the highest ski resort of Spain.
35 km away from the city of Granada (A – 395 road) and 100 km away from Motril (coast of Granada) allows enjoying both mountain and sea at the same day, as it takes only around one hour by car. Close to ski slopes there is a Pradollano residential area, located at 2100m is the highest urban center in Spain.

The ski resort is linked with the city of Granada through a taxi service (taxi stops in Granada and in ski resort), regular daily bus line (buses departure from Bus Station of Granada; WINTER TIMETABLE: workdays: 8:00, 10:00 and 17:00 and weekends and holidays: 8:00, 10:00, 15:00 and 17:00).
You can return to Granada from bus parking of ski resort, WINTER TIMETABLE: workdays: 9:00, 16:00 and 18:30, weekends and holidays: 9:00, 13:00, 16:00 y 18:30. Out of ski season the daily bus service is at 9:00 (from Granada to Sierra Nevada) and at 17:00 (from Sierra Nevada to Granada).
Town council of Monachil, where the ski resort is located, provides an urban microbus line which works during the ski season. During July and August, if the weather conditions are suitable, the ski resort offers to its visitors at least one cable car and one chair lift to be able to access to higher peaks. You can take even your mountain bike with you if you wish to!
In CAR Sierra Nevada there is no cash machine, though, if you need cash, you should go to Pradollano where the banks are.
If you wish to do shopping, there are some supermarkets down in Pradollano.