CAR offers a medical care service in high standard facilities with magnificent professionals at your disposal for any medical assistance, an athlete´s functional assessment and a scientific – technique control of training which are essential for an optimum progress during your stage in altitude.
Sport Medicine
The physiotherapy department offers an exclusive and personalized service. A study is driven for each case, analyzing the reasons and applying the most effective solution to achieve the complete recovery of the athlete. Our treatments are mainly based on manual therapy, in order to achieve an even faster and more effective recovery.
This service is provided with two individualized treatment boxes and a lounge with everything needed for proprioceptive activities and reeducation. Our deepest commitment is to be able to contribute to the proper development of the altitude training with the health recuperation and improvement of our athletes. Through our techniques we aim to find the body equilibrium, as a unit in which all parts fit perfectly. From the therapies we handle we could highlight: teopathy, myofascial therapy, acupuncture, dry needling, neuromuscular bandage and functional bandage.
Regarding the electrotherapy field, we are provided with low and high frequency equipment, ultrasounds, microwaves, shockwaves, laser and combined therapy equipment. In addition, the athletes are allowed to use the Jacuzzis, saunas and contrast baths in order to support the recovery.